02:00 pm - 05:00 pm   GMT : +08:00, Asia/Manila

9th International Skills Forum

The 9th ADB International Skills Forum provides an excellent opportunity to policymakers, practitioners, experts, and partners from ADB member countries and other regions to exchange and share innovative practices and solutions to address the twin challenges of improving learning for all and reducing skills mismatches. The Forum has four objectives:

  • To showcase transformational practices in K–12, technical and vocational education and training, and higher education to ensure learning and employability; 
  • To bring together representatives from government, private sector, and other development partners involved in education and training to present innovative good practices;
  • To ensure skills development is guided by evidence; and
  • To inspire experts and developing member country counterparts, and promoting collaboration with key stakeholders to incorporate new approaches to design and implement innovative projects and programs in education and training.

The Forum will highlight approaches to:

  • Improving learning for all at scale; 
  • Preparing learners with better employability and 21st-century skills; and
  • Forging smart partnerships to reimagine education reforms for a new normal drawing on lessons learned from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
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02:00 pm - 05:00 pm

GMT : +08:00, Asia/Manila