Complete the GLC self-assessment test for individual training professionals to identify your strengths and competency gaps and create a roadmap to help you improve your performance during each phase of the training lifecycle. The test is available in English and French.  Learn more about the self-assessment test.

Then click on each phase of the training project lifecycle (training competency wheel) below to see which learning opportunities are currently available. If the course is still under development, you can sign up to be notified when it is launched.












Designing Learning Experiences

Supporting Transfer of Learning





Evaluating Learning





Partnering with Clients





Foundations of Learning

Start your journey through the training lifecycle with the Foundations of Learning—it is a prerequisite for all learning experiences offered on the platform. This learning experience includes:

  • The Training Lifecycle
  • Maximizing Learning, and
  • Ethics for Performance and Learning Professionals
Assessing PerformanceNeeds Designingcurricula Designinglearningexperiences Facilitatinglearning SupPortingtransfer oflearning EvaluatingLearning Partneringwith Clients Designing Curricula Identify goals, principles and constraints Create preliminary roadmap for curriculum Design detailed roadmap for curriculum Prototype curriculum components Prepare to implement and sustain curriculum Assessing PerformanceNeeds Facilitatinglearning SupPortingtransfer oflearning EvaluatingLearning Designinglearningexperiences Partneringwith Clients Designingcurricula Designing Learning Experiences Conduct design analysis Establish learning objectives and evaluation Create detailed design Develop and validate materials Support implementation Assessing PerformanceNeeds Facilitatinglearning SupPortingtransfer oflearning EvaluatingLearning Designingcurricula Designinglearningexperiences Partneringwith Clients Facilitating Learning Prepare to facilitate Create learning environment Engage learners Foster learning Assess learning Assessing PerformanceNeeds SupPortingtransfer oflearning EvaluatingLearning Designingcurricula Designinglearningexperiences Facilitatinglearning Partneringwith Clients Supporting transfer of Learning Design transfer of learning Implement support for transfer of learning Assessing PerformanceNeeds EvaluatingLearning Designingcurricula Designinglearningexperiences Facilitatinglearning SupPortingtransfer oflearning Partneringwith Clients Evaluating Learning Evaluate learner reaction Evaluate learning objectives Evaluate transfer of learning Evaluate business results Assessing PerformanceNeeds Designingcurricula Designinglearningexperiences Facilitatinglearning SupPortingtransfer oflearning EvaluatingLearning Partneringwith Clients Assessing Performance Needs Prepare to assess Identify performance gaps Determine causes of performance gaps Identify requirements for closing gaps Validate next steps and measures Designingcurricula Designinglearningexperiences Facilitatinglearning SupPortingtransfer oflearning EvaluatingLearning Assessing PerformanceNeeds Partneringwith Clients Partnering with clients Demonstrate familiarity with the organization Communicate effectively with client, learners, and other stakeholders Develop agreements with clients Expand thinking about solutions Manage changes throughout a project Assessing PerformanceNeeds Designingcurricula Designinglearningexperiences Facilitatinglearning SupPortingtransfer oflearning EvaluatingLearning Partneringwith Clients


Facilitating Face-to-Face Learning

“Despite my many years of experience as a trainer, it was this training, that enabled me to truly appreciate the power of a structured training methodology. This has helped my organization to consistently deliver higher value training to our clients.”

Mr. Asad Zaidi CEO, MDi Pakistan

Facilitating Face-to-Face Learning

“This course is like no other. A key element of this course is its focus on participants and the use of practical real-life examples that a person can easily identify with. No extended theories. No ambiguity.”

Ms. Fatma El-Maawy CEO, Milestones Resource Solutions, Kenya