Courses completed

  1. Facilitating Face-to-Face Learning (FFF)
  2. Training of Master Trainers (ToMT)
  • IFC Certified Master Trainer in Facilitating Learning (since 2022)

    IFC Certified Master Trainer in Facilitating Learning (since 2022)
  • IFC - LPI Certified Assessor (since 2022)

    IFC - LPI Certified Assessor (since 2022) badge image
  • IFC - LPI Certified Assessor (since 2024)

    IFC - LPI Certified Assessor (since 2024)
  • IFC - LPI Certified Trainer (since 2023)

    IFC - LPI Certified Trainer (since 2023) badge image
  • IFC - LPI Certified Trainer (since 2018)

    IFC - LPI Certified Trainer (since 2018)
  • Signatory to the IFC Principles for Learning

    Signatory to the IFC Principles for Learning (since 2020)

Additional Information

Country of residence


Education Level

Master's degree



International Work Experience

Nigeria, United Kingdom (UK)

Industry Expertise

Business development consulting and advisory services

Role in Learning Development

Coach, Consultant, GLC-Certified Master Trainer, Trainer/Facilitator

Years of Experience

7-10 years

Target Groups Trained

MSMEs (Micro, small and medium-size enterprises), Corporations, Farmers, Women, Youth

Business Area of Expertise

Marketing, Personal Productivity Skills, Human Resources
  24 Review(s)


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Coach Adaora is an amazing…

Coach Adaora is a fantastic facilitator who carries all participants along. She made facilitation so simple and full of fun. There was never a dull moment yet the course objectives were achieved.

I have no hesitation in recommending anyone to attend any of her sessions.

Date of experience: 25/04/2023
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Coach Adaora

Coach Adaora is such an engaging, clear, and encouraging facilitator. I enjoyed all her sessions. She always ensures she carries everyone along and she has a trademark of affirming each person in the course. She has such a wonderful and warm presence that makes one feel safe in order for learning to take place.

It is with pleasure that I recommend her to anyone wanting to attend her sessions.

Date of experience: 25/04/2023
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Adaora Ayoade Facilitation Review

Adaora brought life to the session by consciously engaging all participants.

She ensured learning took place by revisiting objectives frequently.

Date of experience: 21/04/2023
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Adaora provided a relaxed learning atmosphere. I was able to follow the sequence of the course effortlessly. She is excellent at picking up cues to explain further when necessary.

Overall I gained a lot and would recommend this course to supervisors, managers, and leaders.

Excellent delivery!


Date of experience: 25/04/2023
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Coach per excellence

Coach Adora‘s sessions were very engaging and interactive which is why I totally enjoyed them. She is a professional and highly skilled. She brought on all the attributes of a fantastic facilitator to each class. I recommend a session with her. 

Date of experience: 24/04/2023
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Excellent delivery

Adaora was amazing, her wealth of knowledge, practical insights, and unwavering support made this experience incredibly valuable and impactful. It's not just about what she taught, but how it sparked our curiosity to learn more and delve deeper. This program, with its meticulously designed curriculum and practical approach to both online and in-person learning, has truly enhanced my skill set and broadened my horizons. I highly recommend it to anyone seeking to develop a robust understanding of modern teaching methods and create more engaging and effective learning experiences.

Date of experience: 12/03/2023
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Adaora Ayoade -Facilitation Review

Adaora has a unique way of engaging all the participants in a respectful yet firm manner thus ensuring all participants are alert and contribute to the discussion. Discussions were always collaborative with the end product, rich and reflective of the view point of most participants.

In addition to Adaora's facilitation of the program, I felt challenged to review my personal style of facilitation. I highly recommend the program facilitated by Adaora to anyone ready to be curious and imbibe modern Facilitation skills while challenging themselves to increase personal growth.

Date of experience: 28/07/2023
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Wow Experience

Well done Coach Adaora! The Facilitating Learning Online and In-person was indeed an impactful and insightful learning session.

Date of experience: 03/07/2023
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Very Insightful Experience

Every session had very important learning outcomes and significant insights that reinforced my understanding of the course. I also liked the delivery of the course by Coach Adaora. The pace and engagement were great.

Date of experience: 22/10/2024
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Adaora's use of the very learning tools and methods to deliver her presentation was masterful. She conveys the learning in a tactful and non-confrontational; thereby accommodating all learner groups and styles. She is a master of her craft and a joy to learn from. 

Date of experience: 04/08/2023
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Facilitation review

Adaora has a way of validating learners regardless of their level of experience which encourages them to participate more actively.  A lot of new insights and learning as a result of her wide experiences which she shares.  She is a delight to learn from.

Date of experience: 29/09/2023
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Review on Coach Adaora

Coach Adaora is a professional. She is always patient with the class. Her main objective was to ensure we leave the class with great learnings and insights. 

Date of experience: 09/02/2023
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Coach Adaora - Facilitation Review

I recently took the FLO course with Coach Adaora, and it was a richly rewarding experience. Coach Adaora brought a contagious enthusiasm to each session, making learning enjoyable. Her commitment to creating a supportive learning environment was shown by her responsiveness to questions and encouragement of discussions. She modelled what she taught and did it very well and without rushing yet covered her material for each session. She is a very good and professional coach.

Date of experience: 29/09/2023
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A skilful trainer

Adaora is a skillful trainer. She gently but firmly supported the participants through the well-designed curriculum resulting in me becoming more confident in my ability as a trainer.

Adaora created a warm and engaging learning experience.

Date of experience: 29/09/2023
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Excellent Facilitator

My experience with Coach Adaora was exemplary. It is quite obvious she is an experienced trainer and an expert facilitator. All the lessons gained during the sessions were practical and they were tips she put into practice herself. her coaching side also came up in helping us find the answers to certain conundrums ourselves. I learned a lot, which will be put into practice during my career.

Thank you.

Date of experience: 07/11/2023
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A technical and interpersonal mentor.

Coach Adaora is a very skilled and capable trainer, she gives attention to little details, helps you to realize your potential, and guides you whenever and wherever necessary. She is open to criticism and deliberation. Her interpersonal skills are top-notch. I have learned a lot and hope to use this knowledge in the workplace and in life. 

Thank you Coach we hope to see you more in the future. 

Date of experience: 09/04/2024
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Coach Adaora exhibited a positive vibe that helped me all through the session.

She has great communication skills and was able to carry everyone along perfectly. She listens attentively and gives immediate feedback constructively.

She has helped me immensely and I am eager to demonstrate all the skills I learned.  I am convinced that I will turn out a better version of myself.

Her skill is top-notch. She did a good job.

Date of experience: 03/01/2024
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Wonderful Experience

I joined Coach Adaora's Facilitating Learning Online class not knowing what to expect, and I must confess that I am happy I did. I used to equate being a good facilitator with being a subject matter expert. Now I know better.

Coach Adaora is a gifted, patient, and skillful trainer who knows how to put participants at ease and bring out the best in them. Her sessions are practical and interactive. I learned a lot from her and other participants. I have also gained plenty of confidence. Indeed, it has been a wonderful experience.

Date of experience: 01/03/2024
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Coach Adaora, Thank you for your wonderful experience shared with us throughout the training sessions, it has been an impactful and insightful learning experience. Keep it up—more wisdom.

Date of experience: 21/02/2024
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Excellent Coach

She is indeed an excellent coach, she carried everyone along, and made learning fun as well as insightful.

Date of experience: 16/04/2024
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My experience with EZ37 Solutions Ltd and the master trainer, Coach Adorah Ayande, has been nothing short of exceptional. Her unique approach to facilitating learning, combining both online and in-person elements, was incredibly effective. She seamlessly blended one module into another. This allowed for a flexible learning pace while still providing valuable interaction for all participants during the sessions. Coach Adorah's mastery as a trainer truly shone through. Her knowledge was extensive, and her delivery style was engaging and informative. I felt like a child going through learning under a trainer who understood my needs. It was a journey I didn’t want to end. Her training style fostered a positive and supportive learning environment, where everyone felt comfortable asking questions and participating in discussions. She made us take ownership of our learning process. 

Overall, this learning experience with Coach Adora has been a game-changer for me. I am more confident in expressing my thoughts, how communicating information to listeners, and having quality constructive conversations should I find myself in that capacity. I strongly recommend Ez37 Solutions to anyone or organizations seeking a comprehensive, engaging learning and training program.

What stood out was how structured the training was broken into, processes and sequenced to guide us. Every challenge I faced I surmounted with the help and support of the team. I have also acquired the skills of employing technology tools to facilitate learning online and in-person seamlessly. I know what indicators to look out for if I am not the facilitator. I will say that I can evaluate training. The modules were very helpful as I understood how to identify and engage different learners during training sessions and get feedback positive or negative.  One of the things a lot of facilitators face during training is time management and coach Adora dealt extensively with that with practical examples. 

In conclusion, I will reiterate that this training was a game changer for me, and I liked how our coach took us through this journey I wished didn't end. 
Her warm smile was very endearing, and her mannerisms and the pitch and tone of her voice with which she delivered the sessions would get the attention of any learner. Going forward, I intend to take this a step further while continuing to practice and apply every skill I have acquired. 

I want to say a big thank you to EZ37 Solutions Ltd for the great work, coach Adora IFC - PCC, and the team. Not forgetting the ever supportive, Aderemi 

Thank you.

Date of experience: 15/04/2024
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An Excellent Facilitator

She delivered the training with ease and assertion that showcased her depth of knowledge on the subject matter.

Coach Adora was able to simplify and teach new concepts with the right practicality that ensured assimilation while ensuring the inclusion and participation of everyone in the class.

I am super excited to have been a part of the program.

Date of experience: 26/02/2024
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Exceptional Training Experience

I recently had the pleasure of attending a training session led by Coach Adora, and I must say it was an outstanding experience. She delivered the material with confidence and ease, demonstrating her deep knowledge of the subject matter. Her ability to simplify complex concepts and present them in a practical, understandable manner ensured that everyone in the class could easily grasp and apply the new information.

I am thrilled to have been a part of this training and look forward to applying what I've learned.

Date of experience: 15/04/2024
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No better model for a certified trainer, than Adaora!

There were so many things right with how the program was delivered, that even though the timing was not the most convenient, it easily became the high point of my week. Adaora is an extraordinary facilitator who demonstrates great care to ensure that her participants learn. 
She displays unmistakable skill in delivering all forms of learning facilitation.

Adaora was able to simplify and break down concepts into practical points of learning which have helped refine my training skills. 

I enjoyed being a part of the course.

Date of experience: 01/03/2024