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April 11, 2023 Karen Feeley

Coloring Inside the Lines

Last month, we introduced the mistake-filled “T1 Training Company” and talked about the mistakes they made when assessing “Acme Company’s” training needs.  This month we examine T1’s mistakes during the Design Curricula phase.

March 31, 2023 Adaora Ayoade

6 Tips to Creating a Powerful Team in your Organisation

Six Tips for Creating a Powerful Team in your Organisation

March 21, 2023 Ismail A Azeez

Inculcate the habit of resilience

During hard times in the backdrop of a VUCA environment, businesses hasten to revitalize their strategies, action plans, and thought processes. Inculcating the traits of resilience among the staff must not be the last item on the wish list of any company.

March 18, 2023 Karen Feeley

Setting a Course for Success

Does this story sound familiar?  “Acme Company” determined that it wants to be known for having the best customer service.  It implements new policies to encourage better customer service.  It launches an internal campaign to boost employees’ awareness of the goal.

January 23, 2023 bibiana taku

Why should MSMEs Have a Business Model Canvas?

“By failing to plan you are preparing to fail” (Benjamin Franklin)

December 27, 2022 Abdoulaye Coulibaly

Méthodes d'apprentissage : Forces et Faiblesses de 3 systèmes traditionnels et de 3 systèmes alternatifs

Les méthodes d'apprentissage ont toujours été un sujet attractif pour moi. Elles évoluent avec le temps au gré des technologies du moment. C'est la raison pour laquelle je ne puis m'empêcher de lire les articles qui en parlent.

December 19, 2022 Mehdi Chahed

L’importance d'effectuer un bilan en fin d'année

Le mois de décembre est généralement un mois où nous effectuons un point, un bilan sur le déroulement de notre année, de nos activités professionnelles et sur la préparation de l'année suivante. Mais est-ce que vous effectuez réellement un bilan de vos activités au mois de décembre ?

November 13, 2022 Karen Feeley

Engaging the brain

Since the 1990s self-paced (asynchronous) online learning has seemed like Camelot for corporate training departments:  It is the mythical, low-cost, low-interference way of training employees to increase productivity or comply with regulations.   Although 90% of companies

November 01, 2022 Margaret Jackson

Self-reflective tools

I was going through my old files a few days ago when I saw my article on self-reflection.

October 18, 2022 Karen Feeley

How interactive are you?

Which do you prefer:  to sit in a room and listen to a speaker talk for four hours straight or to hear a few concepts and then figure out how you can use it for your own purposes?  Most people will tell you that they prefer the latter.  In general, adult learners prefer to learn by taking some new information and immediately applying it to a rea