10:00 am - 11:30 am   GMT : -04:00, America/New_York

GLC Webinar: The Path to Emotional Well-Being. Strategies for Training Professionals.

Many managers continue to struggle with the high post-pandemic stress levels. The pressure is there: repair businesses, reignite morale, sustain growth, hire or retrain workforce, and adjust to the new work modality. The list goes on. So, what can we do? How can we focus and create a universal approach that meets all the needs to thrive and flourish? 

As learning and development professionals, we can play a major role in helping businesses get back on a strong footing. We can help rebuild, retrain, restrategize.

On the other hand, what if training professionals themselves are still recovering from the pandemic? How can they rebound from changing priorities, shrinking budgets, or even personal post-pandemic turmoil?

By the end of the webinar, learners will be able to:

  • Define and understand the terms “emotional well-being”, “emotional health”, and “mental health”. 
  • Hopefully get inspired by the speaker's personal story.
  • Tap into the Four Areas of Action to build a strong emotional well-being and work-life balance as training professionals.

Photo by Zac Durant on Unsplash

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10:00 am - 11:30 am

GMT : -04:00, America/New_York


Presenter photo
IFC Master Trainer, IFC-LPI TPMA Assessor and Trainer