10:00 am - 11:30 am   GMT : -04:00, America/New_York

Webinar 41: Invest in Women: Advancing Women through Learning and Development

As the world continues to celebrate women following International Women's Day, the GLC L&D community is invited to join the discussion "Invest in Women: Advancing Women through Learning and Development" which will emphasize the importance of continuous learning and development for women's leadership. The webinar will highlight the contributions of women leaders across various fields and encourage mentorship, skill-building, and knowledge-sharing. Additionally, it will emphasize that building strong communities is essential for accelerating progress toward women's empowerment. By fostering networks of support and collaboration, we can create spaces where women can learn from one another, share their experiences, and collectively drive positive change. Investing in women means investing in the growth and development of entire communities. 

Specifically, this session will focus on:

  • The importance of platforms such as BMOs and associations as a way of accelerating women’s growth. We will also look at the benefits of belonging to certain groups.
  • Examine challenges and opportunities facing women in various industries and sectors, focusing on topics such as leadership development, career advancement, and gender equality.
  • Highlight best practices and impact stories from women leaders and experts, highlighting strategies for overcoming obstacles, fostering inclusive work environments, and driving positive change within organizations.
  • Discuss female-led entrepreneurs' leadership skills, communication abilities, and confidence that help women succeed in their careers.
  • Explore networking opportunities for female-led entrepreneurs, mentors, and potential collaborators, fostering valuable relationships and support networks that can further their professional growth and development
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10:00 am - 11:30 am

GMT : -04:00, America/New_York


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Enterprise Development Center of Pan-Atlantic University (EDC of PAU)