Tushiyah SME Advisory Services
For profit/private sector
Tushiyah Advisory Services is one of the leading implementers of ESD (Enterprise and Supplier Development) in South Africa. Over the last 10 years Tushiyah has worked with blue chip companies to facilitate and execute impactful Enterprise and Supplier Development. For the past 10 years we have perfected our understanding of SME development needs, systems and processes to support this development and most importantly systems and processes required to achieve your objectives as the corporate. With established systems and processes, experienced and high calibre of business advisors, Tushiyah is well positioned to successfully execute on the requirements of this programme.
Tushiyah is a wholly female owned business with 60% black ownership and a level 2 BBB-EE contributor status. The founding shareholders are still actively involved in the company as the Directors.
Our head office is in Sandton, Johannesburg, and we have office representation nationally in all 9 provinces in South Africa. Also, through our partnerships with the IFC (International Finance Cooperation), we have representation in the following neighbouring countries:
• Namibia
• Botswana
• Zambia
• Zimbabwe