Finding new markets
One of the greatest obstacles for small businesses is access to markets and getting the proverbial foot in the door. Companies get sent from pillar to post and there are gatekeepers at every portal (whether in-person, telephonic, or email). In this blog, Tushiyah will be sharing "Access to Markets" tips.
Balance is the Key
This month, we continue the story of Acme Company’s training.
Coloring Inside the Lines
Last month, we introduced the mistake-filled “T1 Training Company” and talked about the mistakes they made when assessing “Acme Company’s” training needs. This month we examine T1’s mistakes during the Design Curricula phase.
Inculcate the habit of resilience
During hard times in the backdrop of a VUCA environment, businesses hasten to revitalize their strategies, action plans, and thought processes. Inculcating the traits of resilience among the staff must not be the last item on the wish list of any company.
Setting a Course for Success
Does this story sound familiar? “Acme Company” determined that it wants to be known for having the best customer service. It implements new policies to encourage better customer service. It launches an internal campaign to boost employees’ awareness of the goal.
Méthodes d'apprentissage : Forces et Faiblesses de 3 systèmes traditionnels et de 3 systèmes alternatifs
Les méthodes d'apprentissage ont toujours été un sujet attractif pour moi. Elles évoluent avec le temps au gré des technologies du moment. C'est la raison pour laquelle je ne puis m'empêcher de lire les articles qui en parlent.