10:00 am - 11:30 am   GMT : -04:00, America/New_York

GLC Webinar: Motivational Introductions

Whether you are delivering a course or a presentation, you want to do it in the most impactful way to motivate the audience to take action, change their behavior, or start implementing new practices. And the key to success is to ensure the audience is engaged from the start. How can you get and sustain participants' attention and interest, create an atmosphere of trust, and spark learners' curiosity? Start with a powerful, motivational introduction.

During the webinar, we will discuss:

  • Motivational introductions and review examples of strong and weak introductions.
  • Components of motivational introductions.
  • “What is in for me” (WIIFM) approach.
  • Benefits of motivational introduction.

Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash

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10:00 am - 11:30 am

GMT : -04:00, America/New_York


Presenter photo
IFC Master Trainer, IFC-LPI TPMA Assessor and Trainer