10:00 am - 11:30 am   GMT : -04:00, America/New_York

Webinar 40: Practical Steps to Designing Transfer-Effective Training Programs

In October 2023, GLC hosted a webinar titled "Maximizing Training Effectiveness: Transforming Training into Action for Your Organization and Clients." Featuring a panel of experts with over 78 years of combined experience in training, L&D, HR, and consulting, the session provided practical strategies to enhance training and development programs. This month's webinar builds upon the insights shared during that event.

Training serves as a vital tool for nurturing employees' knowledge and skills. The concept of transfer of training refers to the extent to which skills and knowledge acquired in a training program can be applied in different contexts, encompassing the ability to utilize learning in job roles and real-life situations. However, the effectiveness of training can be hindered by challenges in transferring learning to the workplace. Transfer effectiveness, therefore, revolves around how individuals apply newly acquired knowledge or skills to enhance their performance. It encompasses strategies to encourage, facilitate, support, and evaluate the transfer of knowledge and skills from training to the workplace.

In this upcoming webinar, Sandra Ihenacho, IFC-certified master trainer in facilitating learning, will offer practical insights into the design of training programs that facilitate effective transfer of learning. Drawing from recent experiences, she will use a compelling case study to illustrate these concepts, focusing on a client whose employees have recently been trained by her company. 

Join us as we explore strategies to bridge the gap between training and application, by designing training initiatives that drive tangible results and empower learners to apply their newfound knowledge and skills in real-world contexts, thereby ensuring lasting impact and success for the business.

By the end of the webinar, participants will:

  • Articulate essential steps for designing training programs that facilitate effective transfer of learning.
  • Gain access to a template that will help them design new training programs or refine existing ones.
  • Develop a plan of action to implement the insights gained from the webinar.

Register now to unlock the secrets to designing transfer-effective training programs that drive meaningful results.

Image by StartupStockPhotos from Pixabay

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10:00 am - 11:30 am

GMT : -04:00, America/New_York


Presenter photo
IFC Master Trainer, IFC-LPI TPMA Assessor and Trainer