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September 22, 2022 Suhail Jouaneh

Webinar 23: The Path to Emotional Well-Being. Strategies for Training Professionals.

Many MSMEs and corporate leaders struggle with high-stress levels. And the pressure after the pandemic is only making things worse: repair businesses, reignite morale, sustain growth, hire or retrain the workforce, and adjust to the new work modality.

Webinar 22: How Trainers Can Maximize Opportunities of a Circular Economy While Contributing to UN SDGs

The current linear economy model of take-make-dispose is very unsustainable and has led to serious global issues, such as climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution, and waste, thus making a transition to a circular economy imperative for every economic actor.

June 16, 2022 Parag Gadhia

Webinar 21: Memory Magic Master Class for Trainers

Many people tend to forget, misplace, or misremember things. However, it shouldn’t be this way. By training your brain you can improve your memory and change your life – you can become a more effective trainer, powerful speaker, or trusted professional.

May 19, 2022 Christian Elongue

Webinar 20: Knowledge Management Strategy for Training Companies

Today's business environment is characterized by rapidly changing organizational structures and technological evolution. Yet, many training companies do not have established strategies to effectively maneuver and adapt to these changes and challenges.

April 21, 2022 Caroline Nyamwaya Mwazi

Webinar 19: The X-Factor in Training

In this webinar, Caroline Mwazi, IFC master trainer and IFC-LPI assessor talks about the X-factor in training to help training professionals: 

March 17, 2022 Nneka Okekearu

Webinar 18: Funding Female Entrepreneurs: Fables and Fallacies

This webinar aims at helping the learning and development community better understand the challenges that female entrepreneurs face when applying for funding and the role training professionals can play to facilitate women’s access to finance.

February 24, 2022 Ammara Sheikh

Webinar 17: Digital Tools to Pep Up Your Virtual Training

As the pandemic catalyzed a paradigm shift from in-person to virtual learning, issues faced by training professionals motivated many to develop and utilize virtual engagement tools and practices to optimize learning.

January 20, 2022 Christian Elongue

Webinar 16: Knowledge Management for Training Professionals

As a training professional, how do you stay on top of the deluge of information related to your job and professional development? How do you make sense of this information, apply it to achieve your goals, and share it with others?

December 16, 2021 Jonathan Obinna Ikeolumba

Webinar 15: Budgeting and Cash Flow Management for Training Organizations

Budgeting and cash flow management are fundamental for any organization that is set to keep growing and creating value.

November 18, 2021 Adaora Ayoade

Webinar 14: Leading with a Coaching Mindset

In the webinar ‘Leading with a Coaching Mindset,’ Adaora Ayoade explores how coaching guides and empowers individuals and teams to reflect on their potential and performance.